On the road again – destination anywhere

Well, traveling in times of Corona is a hassle and finding a safe destination with not to many restrictions almost impossible… If you now ask yourself if it’s really nessecary to travel in this time, I can only answer – yes, it is! Even if I’m grateful to my employer to give me the possibility to work in the safety of Homeoffice with full payment, I’m kind of fed up of sitting all day at home and do the whole cooking between my daily work. I’m really really looking forward to some NOT home cooked meals…

However, my plans changed from a week in Greece with a friend to 4 days Safari in the Mara to now an extended version of 3 days beach and 4 days safari – Africa I’m coming.

Sitting for 8 hours in an air plain carrying a mask is no fun but nessecary. The flight was half empty and the knowledge, that everyone sitting in this machine had to show a negative PCR test before boarding enhanced the feeling of security.

I arrived in Nairobi late at night, after curfew and all restaurants were already closed, time to sleep, next day I’m off to the beach.

2 Gedanken zu „On the road again – destination anywhere“

  1. Hey Marietta,

    Boah, du bisch ächt krass… scho wider uf reise… aber i weiß scho, du bruchsch da. Und i bruch ganz schöni Fotene und din Reisebricht, dänn chan i ganz guet demit umgoh, dass du us däm leidige dihai iigschperrt si usbroche bisch. Dänn chan i nämlich dihaibliibe und in Gedanke uf Entdeckigsreise goh.

    I wünsch dir ganz schöni Ferie und Fotisujets, bliib gsund und heb der Sorg!

    1. Wow, du häsch da scho gläse?!?. Ja, isch beinah scho en Notfall gsi, I kum dihei de absolute Koller über und fühl mi total igsperrt, mir isch d’Scvwitz eifach z’eng, me gseht niene en Horizont, überall sind Bäum, Hüser oderBerge im Weg… I bi total gereizt wire, jetzt bini spontan weg, tuet richtig guet!!! En liebe Gruess vode Diani Beach und Kenia😁

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